Since people started sheltering-in-place because of COVID-19, we’ve heard from many clients that they’re experiencing more back problems accompanied by pain. We can think of plenty of reasons why you may be struggling a stiffer-than-usual back. The good news is, understanding the root cause of this issue can help you get “back” on top of your spine health and pain management plan.
Why does my back hurt more during quarantine?
Here are a few reasons why sheltering-in-place and working from home may be bugging your back:
Ergonomics are off. While there’s something inviting about working from your couch, staying in this slouched position for too long can strain the tissues in your spine and worsen back pain. Even if you forgo the living room and work from your kitchen table, you still may find yourself in a less-than-ideal set-up for logging those WFH hours. For example, many people have had to leave their large eye-level computer monitors in the office and make due by hunching over a tiny laptop—not ideal for posture.
Screen time has skyrocketed. Between Zoom meetings, social media surfing, and online streaming, a LOT of us are spending more time in front of a screen every day. This increases our chance of experiencing “tech neck” posture: head forward and down, shoulders, and back, rounded. Prolonged time in this position can lead to major strain and tension in the tissues of the spine and hips, as well as other symptoms. It’s been shown that holding your head just one to two inches forward relative to an “ideal” midline posture can double or triple the amount of force transmitted through the neck. Ouch!
May be sitting more. It’s possible you’re sitting even more than usual now that you’re sheltering-at-home and spending less time out and about. In addition to prolonging your slouched posture, sitting has been shown in some biomechanical models to impose more pressure on the spine than standing or walking. Plus, prolonged sitting has been linked to a weaker core and tight hip and shoulder musculature, both of which can exacerbate your back pain.
Making the connections between physical pain and mental stress.
Aside from the physical implications of sheltering in place, also consider that the mental and emotional impacts of COVID-19 may be playing a role, too. According to the Institute for Chronic Pain, psychological stress can actually make your pain feel worse (you may already intuitively know this if you’ve ever noticed that your back hurts more when you’re feeling under slept or overwhelmed). What’s the connection? Mental stress activates the nervous system and triggers the release of certain inflammatory molecules, which can heighten pain sensitivity and tissue irritation.
Lastly, people have been reluctant or unable to see a provider due to clinic closures and concerns about unnecessary exposure. While understandable, delaying necessary medical care may cause a small issue to progress into a bigger problem.
All this to say: if you’re experiencing new or worsening back pain since social distancing measures were implemented, you’re not alone. And there IS plenty you can do about it.
How can you alleviate some of the pain from back problems?
Getting up on your feet throughout your day makes a positive impact on your spinal health. By preventing poor posture, promoting circulation, and reducing the risk of weight gain. Consider these tricks to get you moving:
Set a timer on your phone to go off at regular intervals—at least once or twice per hour
Create a stand-up desk set-up if possible
Use time you would have spent commuting to and from work to go out for a walk or get exercise
Along with these tips, there are other issues to address in caring for your back problems. Also addressed, is your body awareness, movement and exercise.
It is overwhelming to search on the internet for the best approach to take when faced with back pain. This is why PhysioFit has designed a Virtual Back Pain & Sciatica Workshop on Thursday, June 25th at 12pm to provide you with some guidance to get the help you need.
▶️ During this virtual workshop you’ll:
- Discover what actions are contributing to back pain / current back problems
- Learn the most appropriate stretches
- Understand how to position your body to protect your back
- Learn the safe strengthening exercises
✅ BONUS: Includes a private 15 minute chat one-on-one with a physical therapist to discuss your unique issues.
To sign up call (650) 947-8500.