Understanding Your Feet

Foot PainAre your feet healthy?

Flat feet, foot pronation, or foot imbalances can lead to foot pain, knee pain, hip pain, back pain, and even shoulder pain.

Here’s what we’ve got for you this week. Now at PhysioFit, we are offering a complimentary foot scan to show you how imbalances in your feet can lead to problems in your knees, hips, back, and shoulders. Foot pain can be a thing of the past!

Following a foot scan, a report will provide you with a Pronation/Stability Index, a Foot Assessment, and a Body Assessment.

About Your Score (Pronation/Stability Index™)

Your Pronation/Stability Index™ score appears on the clinical Report of Findings that is produced when your feet are scanned by our 3D laser technology.

The Pronation/Stability Index™ is a proprietary algorithm based on 16 different measurements of the foot. Taken from a foam cast or laser scan of the feet, the Index indicates the amount of arch collapse your feet are seeing. The higher the number, the more collapse.

The index reveals the severity of pronation/stability in your feet, ranging from Optimal to Severe. For instance, an index of 102, is moderate pronation/instability. Untreated imbalances of any level may lead to chronic problems throughout your body.

Your Feet:

optimal foot, foot pain

flat foot, foot pain

Foot pain, Ankle Pain, guideDownload your free guide: “7 Simple Steps to Ending Foor and Ankle Pain”

Our quick and easy-to-follow guide is to get you started on the right path toward a pain-free life.

claim pain guide




Your Body:

The body assessment image shows how imbalances in the feet can lead to knee rotation, pelvic tilt and shoulder drop.

These imbalances in the body can be caused by pronation and supination of the foot. Above all, these instabilities can lead to conditions such as plantar fasciitis, knee pain, hip pain, back pain, and neck pain.

A properly aligned body will have symmetrical feet, level knees, pelvis and shoulders.

Wearing Custom Orthotics may help alleviate imbalances and conditions caused by those imbalances.

As always, PhysioFit supports your ability to stay as active as possible doing the activities you enjoy most.



Visit us at PhysiotFitPT.com

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